The Great Commission Fulfilled in Acts of the Apostles
The Great Commission PDF
1. Introduction and Matt 28:19-20 PDF
2. The Great Commission: Mark 16:15-16 and Luke 24:4-48 PDF
3. Conversions on the Day of Pentecost--Acts 2 PDF
4. Conversions upon the Healing of the Crippled Man--Acts 3 PDF
5. Non-Conversions at Stephen's Sermon--Acts 7 PDF
6. Conversion of the Sumaritans--Acts 8 PDF
7. Conversion of the Ethiopian Eunuch--Acts 8 PDF
8. The Conversion of Saul--Acts 9:1-25 PDF
9. Conversion of Cornelius--Acts 10 &11 PDF
10. Conversions of Lydia and the Philippian Jailor--Acts 16 PDF
11. The Conversion of the Athenians PDF
12, Conversions of Apollos and Those at Ephesus--Acts 18, 19 PDF
13. Non-Conversions of Elymas, Felix, and Agrippa--Acts 13, 24, 26 PDF